Review Manager Workflow Exercise

This article provides both visual and written exercises for utilizing Review Manager features in Reveal

The purpose of this document is to outline the most common Reveal 11 data load and management processes to help customers become more familiar with the platform and its capabilities.

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Product Area


Relevant Processes

Review Manager

Load data into a new project through a load file in the Review Manager (~500 docs)

  1. Create a new project in review.
  2. Copy over all settings from an existing project template.
  3. Load natives and text from an existing load file (from the Z: drive) and confirm that all native and text files are correctly copied to s3.
  4. Complete core indexes on this set of data (Native/HTML, Extracted, OCR/Loaded, and Document Metadata).
  5. Confirm that indexing finishes as expected and the analytics build automatically starts.
  6. If analytics runs successfully, the emotional intelligence and entities information should be visible. If this process is not successful, the “Analytics not yet available” text will be displayed and the Emotional Intelligence / Entities filters on the folder pane will not be visible.

KB Articles

  1. How to Create a Project
  2. Environment Setup Basics
  3. How to Process and Load Data from Reveal Processing
  4. How to Index Data
  5. Analytics Sync Process  
  6. Dashboard      

Review Manager

Create a new user and assign them to a project

  1. Create a new user account and have them reset their password via the email notification.
  2. Assign this user as a client administrator and have the administrator role for at least one project.
  3. Confirm this user can login and get to the appropriate client and admin pages.

KB Articles

  1. How to Create Users
  2. Permissions Administration
  3. How to Troubleshoot Login

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Last Updated 9/15/2023