Key Feature Guide

This article provides a brief description of key features found in Reveal.


Key Features

  1. Timeline
    1. Analyze document volume over the entire project timeframe, or for a specific date range, based on a selected metadata date field.
    2. Identify time gaps in data to determine whether specific timeframes were missed during data collection or intentionally excluded.
    3. Identify digital communications happening off-hours which include nights and weekends.
    4. Identify digital communication volume spikes that may have occurred after a specific corporate event such as announcements about impending legal action, product launches, etc.
  2. Entities
    1. Combine entities with other features such concept search to identify hidden connections between terms and extracted entities such as specific monetary values, people, URLs, etc.
    2. Cull data faster or zero in on more relevant content by using entities to further filter selected data sets.
  3. Emotional Intelligence
    1. Organizes content into categories using natural language analysis to identify the emotional queues within text allowing you to understand the overall tone of documents and the context of specific terms more clearly.
    2. Use negative sentiment classification to assist with identifying communications that contain the origins of conflict or inappropriate behavior.
  4. Sender / Recipient
    1. See who is talking to whom, and who is sending or receiving the messages.
    2. Can shed light on who was communicating with whom, perhaps an unexpected conversation.
    3. Combine with concept search to observe the level of individual participation between parties communicating about a specific topic.
  5. Metadata Filters
    1. Use metadata filters to reduce the noise within a data set and cull documents prior to review.
    2. Use metadata filters to isolate more relevant content based on custodian, file type, language, etc. for investigations.
  6. Cluster Wheel
    1. When you don’t exactly know what you’re looking for a where to start your investigation, use the Cluster Wheel to explore themes or topics within your project data set. Identify clusters of documents related to specific set of themes.
    2. Use the Cluster Wheel to help you QC document review prior to production by reviewing clusters of documents tagged for relevance to determine if other relevant documents were missed during review.
  7. Concept Search / Brain Explorer
    1. Leverage concept search to explore the inclusiveness of terms of interest, and use the related concepts feature to potentially uncover other terms that may not have been previously known.
    2. Use the Brain Explorer to help you visually see the connections between terms you know and terms you may not have been aware of.
  8. Heatmap
    1. Use the Heatmap to identify data volume spikes when correlating a specific metadata field with search terms or other metadata.
    2. The visualization can help to quickly focus vague initial parameters, such as Custodians and sample search terms, by showing the busiest intersections of these data types.
  9. Term List
    1. A term list table facilitates the testing of keyword search terms, both as an individual query and in combination with other terms, with instant reporting on hits along with the ability to mute a term or explore metadata field specifications before committing to run the search.

      Key Feature Combinations

      1. Concept Search or Keyword Search + Emotional Intelligence
        Start with a concept search or a set of keyword search terms and analyze the search results using the various emotional intelligence categories including sentiment to focus on emotionally charged relevant communications.
      2. Advanced Search + Entities
        The Search Builder facilitates adding and maneuvering any search term or filter to optimal retrieval of culled data, with the ability to save the search right away or from the search history list. To see how defined categories of persons, places or things weighed in to the matter under review, Entities may be added or juxtaposed into any search.


      Last Updated 10/26/2023