Reveal 11.9 Release Notes

Items included in the 11.9 release. Release Date 8/02/2023

Reveal 11.9 Key Feature Highlights

With the deployment of Reveal 11.9, updates will be implemented without interrupting production, production export, and indexing jobs. This will facilitate continuous improvement of Reveal without impact on workflow. 

Workflow Enhancements

  • Query a date field on the concept of Yesterday.
  • Allow fixed intervals (year, month, day) in Timeline widget.
  • Allow date/time fields in Heatmap.
  • Add click-to-open action in Manage Batches.
  • Add several operators to date/time/number fields.

Folder & Left Sidebar Enhancements

  • Performance improvements in folder list & count retrieval.
  • Improved logic for when Assignment folders are visible.

Production & Imaging Enhancements

  • Select multiple native files in single production export job.
  • Selectable default native in imaging templates.

Version Upgrade Improvements

  • The 11.x monthly releases should allow jobs of certain types to keep running. For 11.9, that includes:
    • Production & Production Export jobs.
    • Indexing jobs (Metadata / Text from Review Manager).

Supervised Learning

  • Ability to open doc viewer right after AI Batch creation.
  • Control Set Graph allows higher precision input (+1%).
  • Control Set has a basic ‘recommended size’ calculator.

Usability & Appearance Enhancements

  • Continued with tweaks to match visual style guide.

Release Detail

Item Type






Reviewer can see available assignment count in sidebar.

A more visible icon shortcut to open the Assignments window has been added next to the ASSIGNMENTS header in the left sidebar to save clicks. Previously, this window was behind the --- (kabob) menu next to header. Additionally, a count of Available (not Checked Out, from a Pool) assignment batches may show next to the shortcut, if the count is not zero. This count is meant to help Reviewers know that there are assignment batches they are eligible to check out. In the future, more assignment types may be included in that count.


Customer Success

Add NPS (Net promoter score) survey.

Enable the randomized user rating survey. Only once every several months, a user may see a rating scale from 0 to 10 as to how likely they are to recommend Reveal 11 to a friend or colleague.


Data Visualization

Timeline - allow user to set interval of aggregation.

It is now possible to set a fixed interval (Day, Month, Year) on the Timeline widget instead of the default Auto. We still recommend leaving Auto as the setting most of the time, as it adapts to the result set and determines an interval that will visualize well. For occasions when users need to control the interval of the timeline (how granular it is), the new setting in the drop-down can be used. The download CSV option from the Timeline will also reflect the interval set and can be useful for reporting purposes.



Managing Batches - Click a batch to apply as search pill.

In Manage Batches, in the first column, where batch names are shown, each batch name is now clickable. Clicking a batch name will execute a search for that batch folder, to allow quick and convenient way to see the documents in that batch folder.



Heatmap - add support for dateTime, time and date fields.

The Heatmap view now includes new field types that can be configured as rows: Date, Time, and DateTime. It's possible to set the date/time interval to Auto or to a time unit (Year, Month, Day). Auto will work best most of the time, as it adapts to the result set to give the maximum rows specified. With a fixed unit, there might be many rows returned. As with other field types in the Heatmap, rows will be paginated. Some pages may return a lot of 0-value cells. This is expected, as specific dates may have 0 documents in a configured column, or all configured columns. Experiment with different Heatmap configurations to find the best match for your needs related to date/time fields.



Update the Services to handle new parameters regarding the imaging template.

A new system setting ‘DefaultNativeFieldForImaging’ (name could be changed) has been added that will control the default native file at an instance level so that Australian clients can have a different default behavior than other markets. This will be set to the Exported_Native_File field for most markets, while it will be set to the PDF_PATH for the AUS market. This system setting will be used to populate the default value that is present in the Default Template in the Document Imaging Settings Template.



As an admin, I want to choose which native file is used to generate images in the system.

Added configurable native file field for an imaging template. This feature may have a variety of applications but is targeted to the Australian market. Users in Australia need to be able to generate images from the rendered/PDF native version of the document. Users in other markets will typically use the native version of the document to generate the images for redaction/print/production jobs.



As a user, I want to be able to export multiple native files in a single production export job.

In Production Export setup, it is now possible to select more than one native file version to export, assuming that multiple natives are available for a document. Options under the Native Files setting include First Native Found or All Natives Selected. The latter option is new.


Saved Searches

As a user, I would like to be able to sort saved searches within a folder by the Name column.

Added ability in the Saved Searches window to click on the Name column and have the entire list of searches within a folder sort (alphabetically, ascending).


Supervised Learning

Add Control Set calculator.

Above the Control Set graph in Supervised Learning > Classifier > Control Set there is a new Control Set Calculator. This feature provides a simple size estimation for the ideal control set size necessary to reach target control set metrics entered by the user. The calculator will not make any changes to the control set or its size, it simply provides a recommendation for the size. This feature enables more functionality related to control set reporting that is expected in future versions.


Supervised Learning

Open document viewer on first doc of AI-driven batch.

After successful creation of an AI Batch or a Control Set batch from the AI-Driven batches modal, the tool will open the Document Viewer directly in a new tab, set to the documents of the new batch, to save time from having to find the new batch. Users may go straight into reviewing documents, or can close the Document Viewer if it is not needed at that time.


Term List

Enable ~FIELD function from helper menu to work in Term List.

New convenience feature to allow users to search for, and insert, the exact field names in RQL in the Advanced Keyword dialog window. Users can access the helper menu via the {} icon on the right, or by typing ~ to start searching field names. Search can be performed by the display field name (App Name) and also by exact field name (APP_DESC_INDEX), but only the exact field name will be inserted in the RQL query.



Deleting a batch in Manage Batches does not refresh list of batches.

The Manage Batches window will wait a little bit longer before refreshing its list after the deletion of an assignment batch. This will reduce the likelihood of showing batches that are still in the process of being deleted.



Unless deleted, last picked template is always picked by default when opening Assign Modal.

The behavior of templates has been updated in the Assign function. Since using templates to create Assign requests is optional, the window will not automatically default to selecting the last-used template. It will, as before, default to a 'blank' state, where the Assign options can be populated by the user. If a template is desired, it can be selected from the template drop-down on top of the window.


Bulk Update

Nested tags not reflected in bulk update.

The Update > Tags feature used for bulk tagging has been revised to reflect Tag profiles as closely as possible to the original setup in Project Admin > Tags. In particular, tag panes and tag nesting will be now reflected in the Update > Tags function.


Data Visualization

Extremely difficult to click on bar charts with small amounts of data.

The Emotional Intelligence and Predictive Score widgets have been updated to allow clicking on a label, such as Opportunity, which will open the Search By Score modal. This should help users select any score range, including ranges that were too small to easily click on the bar graph because they represented a very small proportion of documents.


Data Visualization

Add filter to date picker on Timeline.

Added a 'quick search by field name' in the drop-down for the Timeline widget.



Add DOC_TYPE to the custom fields blacklist in Review.

Mapped Fields or Custom Fields cannot use the name DOC_TYPE as it is a reserved name for internal database use. Users will see a warning if they attempt to name a field with the exact name DOC_TYPE.



Preserve running Indexing jobs.

During an upgrade process, such as from 11.8 to 11.9 but also going forward, running Indexing jobs, (including Metadata and Text) started from the Review Manager will not be interrupted, they will continue running. Even if paused briefly, they will resume automatically after the upgrade completes.



Preserve running Production Export jobs.

During an upgrade process, such as from 11.8 to 11.9 but also going forward, running Production Export jobs will not be interrupted, they will continue running. Even if paused briefly, they will resume automatically after the upgrade completes.



Preserve running Production jobs.

During an upgrade process, such as from 11.8 to 11.9 but also going forward, running Production jobs will not be interrupted, they will continue running. Even if paused briefly, they will resume automatically after the upgrade completes.



As a user, I want to be able to query a date field on the concept of Yesterday.

To help review managers’ ability to track reviewer progress on actions that occurred in the past, we have added a 'Days Ago' operator on our date fields in the advanced search and filter areas. This will effectively allow users to query on the concept of 'yesterday' for example. This will take the current date in the system (system) time and bring back the 24-hour day identified by the integer provided by the user.



As a user, I want the UI to refresh when I update user settings.

After the user changes certain types of user settings, the system will automatically refresh the grid view so that the new settings can be seen. More types of settings are now covered in this scenario.


Supervised Learning

Input control set threshold in 1% increments instead of 10%.

The Control Set graph in Supervised Learning > Classifier > Control Set has been updated to allow changing the score threshold, for which control set metrics are calculated, in 1% increments instead of 10% increments. The graph still renders 10% increments when it first loads, but the user can now specify a score threshold like 77%. The control set metrics will be retrieved for that specific threshold and the graph will be updated on the spot.


Tag Profiles

User should be warned when deleting a tag profile that is in use by assignments or possibly the delete should not be allowed.

To avoid cascading issues with assignment, a tag profile now cannot be deleted if there are active batches associated with the tag profile. Users will be required to delete all batches referencing the tag profile prior to the deletion of the tag profile. This includes pool, team, and user assignments.


Term List

Improve validation in reusable TermList / TermListTable.

The validation methods in the table view of the term list criteria type have been updated to be less 'aggressive.' The validation used to run too frequently, with the possibility of interfering with the user typing. Further refinements to this are expected to come in future versions.



Show error message when user settings do not save.

In the user settings window, they system will now show an alert when the user settings are not saved due to an error.



Switch over to FontAwesome Icons.

The visual appearance of icons throughout the platform has been slightly tweaked. The meaning or function of icons did not change as part of this update, just the visual appearance may appear different in a very subtle way.



Add pagination to Upload modal.

The Upload (data) dialog window will paginate the list of files being uploaded to avoid the possibility of slowing down the browser when too many progress updates are sent to the window with a large list of uploading files. These progress updates will now be limited to the files listed in the current page.


Work Folders

Switch to getting counts for Work Folders from Elastic to avoid timeout.

The performance of retrieving counts for most folder types that have counts exposed in the left sidebar has been significantly improved.


Advanced Search

No Data Found - Tag Profiles in Reviewed drop-down of Advanced Search.

Corrected an issue where the window in Advanced Search > Common > Reviewed would show 'No Data Found' instead of the Tag Profiles available to the user.


Advanced Search

Duplicated Field FILE_EXTENSION at Advanced Search -> Add ^filter.

Corrected small issue where the field name search would return a duplicate specifically for one field called 'File Extension.'



Make Saved Search a mandatory field for Saved Search-type Assignment bulk job.

Added a user-facing form validation that a Saved Search has been selected before allowing the Submit button to be clicked in the Assign action from saved searches.


Bulk Update

Bulk tagging without permissions causes unexpected error.

The Update > Tags action used for bulk tagging has been revised to include a more informative error message and not redirect users to the start if they attempt to tag a document to which they do not have the permission, based on Document-Level Security settings (if enabled for this project).



Fields not editable after user changes Updatable flag to Yes for it at Admin.

The flag for editable fields (in Project Admin > Manage Fields) was not properly reflected in the Document Viewer's fields area. This has been fixed.


Supervised Learning

Control Set report shows there is a gap but the number of untagged docs is 0. Should be 1.

Corrected a situation where the Control Set graph correctly reported that a gap exists in the control set but the summary next to the control set graph did not reflect the actual number of untagged documents in the control set that were the cause for the gap.



Pagination still being displayed when NO DATA matching with filter is shown in Widget.

Resolved an issue of displaying pagination when it was not necessary after performing a quick search in the Sender + Recipient widget.



Impossible to see Sidebar after 'Expanding' it.

Corrected edge case where a collapsed right sidebar in List view could be difficult to expand again, and vice versa, due to CSS styling defects in certain situations.


Last Updated 7/26/2023