Reveal 11.11 Release Notes

Items included in the 11.11 release. Release Date 10/18/2023.

Reveal 11.11 Key Feature Highlights

  • Communication Analysis & View
    • Macro visualization: Provides an at-a-glance understanding of communication patterns
    • Identifies names & emails likely belonging together
    • Adapts to show whole dataset or search results
    • Highly configurable visual options
    • Quickly search by communicator or domain
    • View summary card for one or more communicators
    • Ability to easily export communication graph views to JPEG, SVG, CSV
    •  Please note: Communication Analysis, and the Communication Graph, will not automatically appear on projects. To get Communication Analysis on a project, a new Analytics Pipeline step needs to be completed. Reach out to your Customer Success Manager, they will be able to help you. 
  • Australian Numbering
    • A Production numbering workflow targeted at supporting the Australian market.
  • Multi-user setting templates
    • Templates in the Assign configuration and the Heatmap configuration can be shared with other users, or teams of users, on the same project.

Release Detail

Issue Type






As an admin user, I would like to be able to set the document number field for display within the related document panels.

This will be a feature that is initially going to be used in support of the Australian market where Reveal Processing is being used to push data into Review. The current workflow supports loading the newly applied Australian number for a document into an alternate document number field like Begin Bates. This number becomes the new control number for the document. To keep the intelligence panels in sync with this updated numbering, this feature allows the user to choose an alternate field to use for the relationships like Duplicates, Near Duplicates, Email Threads, Families, and custom relationships.



Search by person communicating.

The Communicator Search is a major new feature. More details will be added here. Many individual stories and functions will be combined under this one for 'Release Note' purposes.



Edit aliases of communicator persona.

The Communicator Edit is a major new feature. It allows an Administrator, or another user with the Edit Alias permission, to add or remove email aliases associated with a Communicator. Those edits will be reflected in the Communication graph and in new searches for that Communicator.



Add and refine Communication Graph view.

The Communication view is a major new feature. Please consult our Help section for a detailed overview of its functions.



Display more details in the person profile.

The Communicator Card is a new feature. More details will be added here. Several individual stories and functions will be combined under this one for 'Release Note' purposes.



Add help to graph settings.

Added short explanations of settings for the communications graph to help explain what settings exist and what effect they have.



List all personas on a project.

The Communicator List is a major new feature. It allows an administrator, or user with specific permission to edit aliases, to see the full list of Communicators and their email aliases, so they can edit or merge them.



Merge selected personas in whole.

Administrators, or user with specific permission to edit aliases, can merge two or more selected Communicators into one, to clean up the Communication Graph and to be reflected in new searches.



Add a cross-hairs action to zoom to a node in data list.

To help quickly locate a communicator found from the Data list within the graph, we have added a cross-hairs action that “zooms” to that node in the Communications Graph.



Add option to switch the communications graph to Domains.

Added ability to see detected domains on the macro communication visualization. They provide a big picture-view of all domains in a case, or in a set of search results.



Add New Permission: Manage Numbering.

For the Australian numbering there is a new System Setting called EnableAdvancedNumbering. If this system setting is set to 1 (Enabled), there will be a new permission added to the Admin node called Manage Numbering. This permission will be used to enable the new Numbering Jobs area in the Production tab in the Project Admin area.


Project Selection

Display Company Logo On React Project Views.

If a Company Logo is specified in Company Admin, it will now appear to the left of the support/help/mode icons and to the right of the search bar on every project under that Company.



Add Edit action (to change name and access) to templates.

User setting templates, such as those in Assign or Heatmap, can now be edited to change their name or to share them with users or teams of users.



Expand About info to include /review code version.

Updated the About... modal to include additional version information and tweaked visual layout.



Exported column names in Manage Batches Report do not match display.

Updated the CSV export produced from the Manage Batches window. The columns in the CSV match the column name and order of the Manage Batches window.



Add 4 more UI languages.

Added several new languages that can be selected as displayed languages in the User Interface: Arabic, Korean, Portuguese, Russian.


Model Library

Error message AFTER applying library models created from faulty CSVs.

Added additional information when the status of a classifier is in Error state, caused by errors in the CSV file imported to the model library. The error status is now clickable and will show the imported features that caused the classifier to fail.



Preserve original file structure on production export.

This feature allows users to preserve the folder structure of how documents were collected as part of a Production Export job. This feature, called 'Mirror Import Path' in the Production Export job's Volume area, will recreate this structure for Native, Image, and Text files that are included as a part of the export job. This uses the value in the Import Path field for the structure. Files will be placed in the lowest common folder list in that field for each specific document.



Respect user and team permissions in template list and actions.

Templates in the Assign configuration and the Heatmap configuration can now be shared with other users, or teams of users, on the same project. To do that, Edit an existing template, or make a new one, and select Users or Teams in the section below the template Name.



Update language to clarify Template functions.

Added clearer help text to several elements of the Template functionality in the Assign action and the Heatmap view that require a bit of instruction.



Unify pagination UI.

Made updates to the pagination controls and experience to make them consistent across multiple areas of the platform.



Reviewed and Not Reviewed filters are not displayed when assignment folder is not checked out by user.

Fixed an issue with the admin folder tree so that the Reviewed/Not Reviewed folders are visible for the pool assignments. In a previous version, the pool assignments were not reflected in the folder structure of the Admin node.


Document Viewer

Email Threading, Family Members, and Near Dupes showing no records in Document Viewer.

Addresses an issue where a user was unable to navigate to related documents within the various related document panels.



R11 - Browser seems to retain certain users permissions even after those are revoked.

Addressing an issue where an administrator would make permission changes for a user, specifically moving them from a higher role to a lower one, and the changes would not be reflected for the user for some time even after logging out and logging back into the system due to a browser/server caching issue.



Family Range count in Summary Report is inconsistent with produced data in Production Job.

Fixed the incorrect Family Range that is displayed on the bottom of the production job summary report.



Space should be removed as delimiter in begin number search.

In any “IDs” search, we had space listed as a delimiter. It is no longer listed as we do not interpret it as a delimiter the way new lines or commas are treated.


Supervised Learning

Indicate classifier name is not editable.

The classifier editing page now makes it clearer that classifier names are not currently editable.


Last Updated 2/12/2024