Reveal 11.10 Release Notes

Items included in the 11.10 release. Release Date 9/13/2023

Reveal 11.10 Key Feature Highlights

Production Enhancements

  • Choose redactions in Production
  • Select custom Native Production Rules
  • Use saved search as a Native Production Rule

Saved Search

  • Updated saved search workflow (two tabs)

Folder & Filter (Sidebar) Enhancements

  • New filters for Email Thread and (Email) Action Type
  • Re-order items in Filter sidebar after search

Version Upgrade Improvements

  • The 11.x monthly releases should allow jobs of certain types to keep running. For 11.10, that includes:
    • Export
    • Image Labeling
    • Print
    • Translation
    • AV Transcription

Workflow Updates

  • Document Number in Relational Panels
  • Name Natives after native file name

Usability & Appearance Enhancements

  • Grid spacing option
  • Clickable Low, Med, High legend in AI Score modal

Release Detail

Issue Type






Preserve Builds Support for Transient Analytics Jobs.

During a version upgrade process, or an application restart, Analytics jobs (such as threading, duplicate detection, sentiment analysis, etc.) running at the time of upgrade will not be interrupted, they will continue running.


Data Visualizations

Make the legend in scoring modals (low, med, high) clickable.

A convenience improvement to make the legend in the Advanced Search > AI Score... and Emotion... modals clickable, meaning a one-click shortcut to selecting a preset of min and max values, such as Med (33 - 65).



Preserve Review - Export job.

During an upgrade process, such as from 11.9 to 11.10 but also going forward, several job types (Export, Image Labeling, Print, Translation, AV Transcription) running at the time of upgrade will not be interrupted, they will continue running. Even if paused briefly, they will resume automatically after the upgrade completes.



As a user, I want to be able to control which excluded native files are exported.

In the Production Export area, there is a new option to determine which native files to include in the production export based on the Slip-Sheet rules in the Production Job that is linked to the Production Export. If the user chooses to Export Native files based on slip-sheet, all slip-sheet rules will be populated on the screen from the original production job, and the user can select one or more rules that should trigger native file export. As there could be multiple rules that match on a file, the conditions are evaluated in order of priority: Privileged, Redacted, Slip-Sheeted, Errors, All Other Files.



Add new entity filter for 'Email Threads' called Is Unique.

Added Email Threads as new filter type in the left-sidebar. One option in that new includes 'Is Unique' (True / False).



Add new email filter called Action Type.

Added Email Threads as new filter type in the left-sidebar. The Action Type is a subset of that filter and offers options for send, reply, reply-all, forward.



Select Natives in Production Export from Saved Search.

In the Production Export area, the Native File Rules now includes a way for the user to specify a Saved Search to be used as criteria for exporting native files. The new option 'Select Saved Search' appears in the 'All Other Files' section of the Native File Rules selection. Other rules are still evaluated first, such as Privilege, Redaction, and Errors. If none of these higher-priority rules account for a given document, documents matching the search will be exported as natives.



Create new system setting specific to Australian Numbering.

 A new system setting enables or disables a specific production numbering workflow targeted at supporting the Australian market. The default value of the setting disables this workflow. If a client located in Australia, or one serving the region, is interested in piloting this numbering workflow in Reveal, now in beta, they should contact their Customer Success Manager. 



Add user setting for grid spacing.

New ability for users to change the spacing on the Review Grid. There are several options to accommodate more documents in the same screen size or have a more spacious view but with fewer documents.



Filter list is not being updated to reflect the current counts/items when live filtering is enabled.

Added logic to ensure that we refresh the Filter options. If the user has the Update Counts on Search toggle enabled and a search is executed, the system updates the list of filter choices that are expanded to show available values, such as in Entity, Custodian, and Format Filters.



Generate missing images for OCR should be enabled by default.

Changes the default behavior for OCR jobs to generate missing images for a document so that no text is missing from the document's OCR.



As a user, I want to be able to choose which redactions are burned in during a production.

This is an enhancement to the production module that allows users to choose which redaction profiles will be burned in as part of a production job. Users can choose to burn in some redactions and not burn in others. This functionality mirrors the capabilities that were rolled out into the Bulk Print feature a couple of releases ago.



Production - Name natives, images and text after native file name.

This option allows users to name produced files, including the native, image, and text files, after the imported native file name.



Reorder the options on the native files rules to reflect the order of precedence.

In the Production Export area, the Export Native Rules modal has been re-arranged to reflect the logic already present that ranks some rules higher than others. As there could be multiple rules that match on a file, the conditions are evaluated in order of priority: Privileged, Redacted, Slip-Sheeted, Errors, All Other Files. For example, if a document is Privileged, that overrides any other rules that the document might match on.


Saved Search

Update Saved Search Modal with Tabs.

The Saved Search workflow, and window, has been updated for efficiency. The Saved Search icon in the global search bar will now offer a more direct way to create a new saved search and continue to offer access to existing saved searches. The two functions are presented side-by-side in tabs. The Saved Search experience has also been optimized for faster folder selection, removing the extra modal that was used before.



OR operator should not be default when adding all search pills on Advanced Search.

When building a query in the Advanced Search Builder, the default operator to join new criteria has been updated to AND (from OR). This matches the default behavior of how criteria are added by clicking on the Dashboard or Filter sidebar.


Supervised Learning

Remove Scope setting as it is no longer used.

The 'Scope' setting was removed from Classifiers > Batch Configuration > Advanced Settings as it was no longer applicable. The default value 'All Documents' of that setting is the only applicable value, therefore it will be presumed as always-set and not configurable.



Make List items available in the bulk Update action.

Support has been expanded for a specialized field type, called List, in the Bulk Update > Fields area. This field limits users to only pick from a list of pre-determined values (typically specified in the Review Manager). Bulk updates to this Field type are now supported.



Cannot Delete batches Assigned to Users.

Correct logic that prevented certain user roles from deleting assigned batches. The system will allow deleting batches for others as long as the current user has the permission 'Manage Assignment Batches For Other Users.'


Data Visualizations

Dashboard Widget keeps filter but doesn't show it or let you clear it

Corrected an issue where text filters applied to certain Dashboard widgets (e.g., AI Score, Emotional Intelligence) would persist after changing views or performing another global search, but the indicator that a text filter was present on the widget would be invisible. This indicator is again visible, allowing the user to remove or modify the text filter.



Deleting documents using Custom Delete results in a Communication error.

Corrected an issue where the Customer Delete action could result in an error "Communication with the server failed" due to a malformed request API call.


Document History

Newly imported document ids can in rare cases show document history of deleted documents

Corrected a rare occurrence of a newly imported document getting a log entry identifier of a previously deleted document, which resulted in irrelevant document history entries for the affected document.



'Rev' Field Values not Getting Exported.

Resolves an issue where email fields populated during the AI pipeline appear in the Grid but were unable to be exported.



Review Manager - Field Length still changeable in Table view but should not be.

Fixes an issue where the ability to edit field properties in the Review Manager could cause an issue with the Elastic index. The ability to edit values in place in the table has been removed.



DAT PO - Before operator with default date entry doesn't read date until date re-added.

Corrected an edge case with the Before operator on Date fields. The text-date input to the right of the operator has a pre-filled date. If users didn't first interact with the calendar picker and just clicked Submit, the criteria would get added as Before:: ∞, which is an invalid query. The query was corrected to Before:: ∞ - DATE, which is correct.


Printing in Document Viewer

Document Viewer printing error after waiting on the 'Print job is currently in progress'.

When printing a document through the Image View and creating a print job, the user has an option to wait for the job complete in order to download the file. Previously, the client could encounter a situation when the window closed too soon, before the job was complete, so no print job download actually occurred. The early closing scenario was fixed.


Saved Search

Save search button is inactive after saving another search.

This fixes an issue where a user who saves an initial search is unable to save a subsequent search because the Save button is inactive.



Error when searching with grid indicators.

Corrected an edge case error. If users selected Any Value and No Value for a grid indicator, and added it to search, then attempted to modify the search term by clicking on the Advanced Search builder, they received an error message.



No Results is being displayed unformatted.

This is a polish item that keeps the zero search results display uniform with other ‘no results found’ states within the UI.



Term list with inline AND causes long wait or 500 error.

Corrected search term parsing issue which caused long wait times, and possibly a 500 error, when a long search term list included a term with inline Boolean AND, such as in (term1) AND (term2) OR (term3 OR term4).



Image set "Original Images" not being displayed under User Settings.

Corrected a scenario where the Image set "Original Images" was not being listed under User Settings > Documents > Text + Image sets, where users set the order of image sets for the document viewer.



When sort is removed from Manage Field Profile on grid, incorrect document opens in viewer.

Corrected issue with sorting consistency between the document grid and the document viewer. It caused another document from the list to open, rather than the one clicked, in the unusual but possible scenario where the Sort field in a field profile was completely removed from the profile.


Supervised Learning

Allow AI Reference Model feature weights greater than or equal to 1.

If a reference library model had features with weights of 1.0 or greater, those features were not being used during scoring when the reference model was applied to a classifier. This has been corrected.


Supervised Learning

Fix inconsistent percentage label in Supervised Learning reports.

Corrected a consistency labeling issue in Supervised Learning where score ranges 1-100 were being labeled as 1-100%. While not inaccurate from a probability scoring perspective, the % sign was inconsistent with other areas of reporting where the scores do not have a % sign.



Editing a Slip sheet condition causes the "Text to display" to be removed.

Changes the default behavior of modifying the slipsheet category that would result in the text for that category being cleared.


Term List

Term list syntax errors display make errors hard to read.

Fixed the display of errors in the term list so that user can read both the error and the term clearly without obstruction.


Term List

Term List Counts Preview shows N/A instead of 0.

The term list count preview in v11.9 was rendering 'N/A' for counts that were 0. Corrected.


Term List

Unnecessary re-running validation of on all terms if one changed.

The Term List window has optimized logic as to when to re-run term validation to reduce unnecessary calls to the validation service. The table view will now validate only the term being edited and the whole list if it hasn't been validated at least once. The text view will validate all terms only on Import or Paste actions.



Colors in Brain Explorer hard to read in Dark Mode after 11.9 upgrade.

Some color changes in the previous release rendered text in dark mode hard to read within the Brain Explorer. These colors have been fixed.



Date selector side scroller selects the wrong date.

This fix resolves an issue where the selection of a date using the date picker results in the incorrect date being populated in the advanced search.



Could not switch field profile in Update > Fields.

Corrected an issue where the field profile drop-down in the Update > Fields window was not properly loading.



Bulk update of date fields fails when performing copy field action.

Corrected issue affecting date fields on bulk document Update when the action selected was Copy Field.



Field bulk tagging issue with two apostrophes.

Corrected the handling of a special field update scenario, where bulk-editing a field that already included a single apostrophe could add a second apostrophe next to it, unintentionally.


Work folders

Deleting work folders from long term lists timing out.

Corrected logic as to how deletion is scheduled for work folders that were created from a saved search term report with 500+ terms, to avoid a time-out error.


Last Updated 9/12/2023