Send User Email Notifications

This article provides both visual and written instructions for creating email notifications and specifying recipient Users.

Non-Audio Video Tutorial

Email Users

This utility facilitates posting messages to all enabled users assigned to selected projects or all projects targeted by a message. The Sender's email address is a default entered in System Settings. 66 - 01 - Email Users with attach

  1. Log in to Review Manager as an Administrator.
  2. Expand Advanced Options.
  3. Open Email Users.
  4. Select the project or projects to which you wish to send a notification.
    1. You have the option to Select/Unselect All with the click of a button.
    2. The Do Not Send Duplicate Emails checkbox above the project selection list suppresses sending of duplicate emails to users assigned to more than one selected project. 
  5. In Sender's email it is recommended to leave the default value as entered in System Settings - here, - unless a reply-to is required for a particular message that will not be embedded in the message.
  6. Enter the Subject of email.
  7. Enter the Body of email; formatting is available for the Body text.
  8. You may also Add attachment to the message; at this time only Microsoft Office or image files may be attached.
  9. Send when ready.


Last Updated 8/22/2022