Troubleshoot Review

This article provides both visual and written instructions for analyzing review-related issues.

The following table set out some common error conditions and solutions for the Reveal Review user interface.





1. Download only DAT file from production – not the produced documents.

2. Image Settings or Image Errors during Production Job.

3. Images/Text/Natives Missing from Production Export.

4. OCR/Zipping during export.

5. Time for Exports.

1. Understanding of different files to download.

2. Troublesome documents. Running Pre-Processing Job.

3. Error in export setting logic.

4. RASP – Initiate an agent. Timeouts for specific file types.

5. Using the volume thresholds in Export settings.


OCR jobs not-running/completing.

File type related.


1. Documents not imaging in Color during image on the fly.

2. Images not displaying in Image Viewer.

1.     Understanding color settings, making sure color detection has been run. Update Color detection tables.

2.     File Types.


AI Tags not synching to Reveal AI.

API integration resolution


Transcript job failing.

Improper document import settings.


Unable to Start Job.

Restart RevealExportJob service.


Error indexing:   Index us_rvl1_999999_1234_etractedhtml exists check failed. Error: The underlying connection was closed:

Verify Elastic is Running. Re-Run indexing.


The printer service isn't listening error.

There are no print service clients currently available.

Assure “RevealPrintJob” and “Image” services are active.

User setting check is needed as per Adam.

Adam looked at the Web log for the error message, "Failed to read TLS record".

Translate/ Transcription/ Labeling

Error for a test doc.

Translation job not running.

Translation to Chinese selected. Any "200 series" error is good. Per Nick, translation takes quite a while due to AWS.

Assure AWS service is active. Improper File Type issues.


No Common Errors.



Error loading search folder.

Standard Syntax.

Search String Too Long.

ElasticTranslation service was not running - restarted service - resolved issues.

Adjust elastic search settings in Review Manager.


Terms not highlighting.

Terms not in document results.

“Error Starting search job”.

Leading wildcard will often cause issues.

The lists used to be comma delimited but now need to be one per line. You only need the quotes on phrases, not single terms.

ElasticTranslation service was not running.


No Common Errors.



Redacted is not reflected in extracted text.

Set to redaction profile before start redaction job.


S3 Storage is enabled, but a temporary cache location is not specified (System Setting -> AWS_S3_TemporaryLocation).

Filesize field does not accept decimal values.


1. It doesn’t function... We found that it was referencing S3 buckets which we were told is not for on prem only SaaS, and there is still some other issue. Which we need to work through.


2. Paths - only have Read access.


where Permission_Id = 120

delete from PERMISSION,

where Permission_Id = 120


where Permission_Id = 122

delete from PERMISSION,

where Permission_Id = 122.

2. IT team set up the group access for the App Support team.



“RevealDataLoading” services logs.

Brainspace Connector

Data transfer issues related to large files 16+ MB.

Sync issues.

Load separately from other files.

Make sure settings correct in Project Admin-Brainspace.

Word Lists

Terms not highlighting.

Terms not in document results.

“Error Starting search job”.

Leading wildcard will often cause issues.

The lists used to be comma delimited but now need to be one per line. You only need the quotes on phrases, not single terms.

ElasticTranslation service was not running.

Download/Print/ Email Natives

Files Don’t Exist.

1.       Check the file exists.

2.       SMTP setup.


Not set to 30 min.

Set in Web.Config File on Web Server.

Email Notification

Received an error message of " says An error occurred sending the email.”

Network made the updates for email.


Last Updated 3/16/2022